Friday, October 14, 2011


I love photoshop and any opportunity that I can to practice, I'll take it! Therefore, I love Fix-it-Friday's over on I Heart Faces!

Here's today's challenge:

Here's my edit!

I did it really quick right before I left for work this morning. I would have spent a little more time on the background if I had more time!

I'm pulling this off the top of head, but here were my steps:
  • -made WB adjustments and light fill in ACR;
  • -added some more light fill to brighten the face;
  • -ran Dull to Dazzling action from Michelle Kane;
  • -ran the Mulberry tone from M4H;
  • -stretched the canvas on the right and selected a portion of the canvas and did a "Content Aware" stretch to fill in the space with the white background;
  • -cloned out the other balloon;
  • -cloned a "good" part of the background at a 15% opacity to clone out the edge of the table and blend it in to look like a seamless background;
  • -straightened and cropped; and
  • -added a new layer in the "Multiply" blending mode with an inverted mask to add a slight vignette!
There it is (and I hope this all made sense!) I think it looks pretty good! :)


  1. That's seriously amazing! I wish I loved photoshop, but I avoid it at all costs. LOL. If I can't do it in Lightroom, it's doesn't happen. I would never have even thought to edit this way. Good job!!

  2. I really like your clean and fresh edit. Especially the cloned out balloon.

  3. Thank you! Dawn, I'm like that with Lightroom...I have it and I WANT to love it, but anything beyond using the sliders, I'm totally lost!

  4. Great job on the cloning!! I forgot all about Fix it Fridays!

  5. Fantastic job! I'm been wishing and hoping for photoshop for such a long time, still hasn't happened! This makes me a little jealous lol!

  6. Great job! I'm jealous, too! I have soooo much to learn. I'm currently enrolled in CM's Photoshop 101...and I'm so overwhelmed :(

  7. Love how filled in the background and gave the photo a punch of color, removed the shadows...great job!!

  8. That looks awesome! Nice job! I need to learn how to do this!
