Saturday, September 24, 2011


I've been a part of an amazing photography forum called for about 7 months now. Three workshops (with another to start in two days) later, my photography has jumped leaps and bounds, and I'm not even close to where I want to be!

Some of my early "work" lol.

In these later photos I did do enough reading that natural light was best and actually used it the best I could. But I'm still working in auto-mode here on my camera and don't really nail my focus. I've also learned to sharpen eyes! (A bit much, unfortunately!)

Here are some photos 6-7 months later!

I've really learned that, yes, nailing your shot is important, and knowing the rules are important too...but a great shot doesn't have to be perfect. Just capture the moment.


  1. These are great! I can see how you really used the light in your last shots. Those baby feet are too, too cute. He got so big. :-)) Love the collages of his faces.

  2. I really love your style and your blog is cuuuute as!!!!

  3. Your blog is indeed the cutest one on the block (your son is also the cutest one on the block).

  4. Thank you! :) Actually, I've been trying to find a way to remove the "Cutest Baby on the Block" background...and I finally figured it out! But I still think my Ben is still the cutest on the block, lol! (of course!)
