Saturday, September 24, 2011


I've been a part of an amazing photography forum called for about 7 months now. Three workshops (with another to start in two days) later, my photography has jumped leaps and bounds, and I'm not even close to where I want to be!

Some of my early "work" lol.

In these later photos I did do enough reading that natural light was best and actually used it the best I could. But I'm still working in auto-mode here on my camera and don't really nail my focus. I've also learned to sharpen eyes! (A bit much, unfortunately!)

Here are some photos 6-7 months later!

I've really learned that, yes, nailing your shot is important, and knowing the rules are important too...but a great shot doesn't have to be perfect. Just capture the moment.

Catching up!

Wow, it's been a while since I've posted!

Today Ben is 10 months old! In only 2 months, he'll be 1 year old. That amazes me! He amazes me.

He'll be walking soon. I guesstimate in a month. He's crawling like a banshee and cruising along the furniture at lightning speed!

I wanted to get some photos with me actually in them today, and Steve jumped in to do it! He's a savvy photographer too, so I wasn't worried!

In my family we have a long line of piano players, myself included! Might as well get a jump start! :)

Friday, September 2, 2011

6th Grade! 6th Grade!

My niece is entering the 6th grade!! Wow does time fly. I remember moving out to California from Minnesota when she was 4 years forward 7 years!!

Taken on August 31st, 2011

 Now, I by no means know anything about portrait I just winged it! And for now knowing what I was doing with the posing, I don't think they turned out so bad. :-)